Avda. José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


C/ La Corredera,5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plza. de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13



Avenida José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


Calle La Corredera, 5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plaza de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13


Educational Project

More than one hundred years educating the youth of Leon endorse our educational project, which currently covers from the age of three (Early Childhood Education) to the doors of the university (Baccalaureate).


Our stages of Infant Education, Primary Education and Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) are subsidized, and our Baccalaureate is not currently subsidized.


Our school has been growing since the last decade of the 19th century to become today the educational center with the largest number of students in the city of León, faithfully driven by the educational vocation of the Belinchón family.
Our educational offer is carried out in two centers:


El Colegio Leonés, located in the San Isidoro square.
El Colegio Leonés Jesús Maestro, located in Corredera St. and José Aguado Ave.

Our educational project pursues

  1. A working environment of coexistence created by students and teachers, based on a personalized monitoring of our students, both academically and in an education based on personal and social values.
  2. We promote close communication with families, through official written communications and periodic personal interviews.
  3. We believe in an education in values in which respect, solidarity, peace, civility and care for good manners in coexistence occupy an essential place and complete the academic teaching of the different curricular subjects.
  4. We recognize that sports and other cultural and educational activities organized by the school are of vital importance for the integral formation of the student.
These and other good daily pedagogical practices favor that the majority of our students and their families achieve the expectations they place in us and that a good atmosphere is generated in the Educational Community (family – teachers – students).
  1. Colegio Leonés is a place of learning and education. As a school, we teach our students to learn to know, to do, to live together, to be.
  2. We are a secular school with a Catholic ideology in which students progressively learn to harmonize culture and life.
  3. Our students are at the center of our interest in everything that concerns the organization and life of the school. We help them to acquire knowledge, to develop their abilities and to grow in values.
  4. We know that students are not equal in their personal abilities or in their personal, family, religious or economic circumstances. We respect this diversity in the development of our projects and pedagogical practices, as well as in the way we evaluate their academic progress and attitudes.
  5. We encourage young people to excel and always be better. They must see that we have confidence in their ability to advance and achieve goals.
  6. Following the educational and pedagogical trends established among us, we determine educational programs, curricular content and teaching methods. We try to meet the aspirations of our students and the expectations of their parents in terms of choice of studies, university opportunities and professional qualifications. We ensure that the education we offer is socially and culturally relevant in the long term.
  7. We use teaching methods that encourage active participation rather than mechanical learning. We encourage students’ personal expression through cultural, literary, artistic, scientific, technical and sports projects.
  8. By encouraging participation and creativity in the learning process, we help students gain self-confidence. We try not only to develop knowledge, but also to teach them to learn to work in a team, to communicate and to accept responsibilities.
  1. In our teaching we are concerned with developing in them a critical judgment regarding the values that are implicit in the subjects they study.
  2. DIn keeping with our ideal of offering a truly integral education, we include environmental studies and physical and health education in our students’ learning. We promote sports activities to develop dexterity and body coordination and we encourage the formation of personality, teamwork, personal discipline, recognition of one’s own limitations and the desire to excel.
  3. We attach special importance to training our students in the use of modern means of social communication, such as the press, television, movies and computer technology. While we try to train them to participate fully in today’s society, we also try to make them aware of the degree of influence that the media exert.
  4. We are enterprising in providing the materials and resources demanded by economic, technological, scientific and social changes. In making these improvements, we are prudent in our financial forecasts and take into account the situation of the students’ families so as not to exclude the less economically favored.
  5. Our school is open to all students regardless of their beliefs, as long as their families accept our educational project. We respect their personal freedom and offer them an integral formation. We teach them to discover the meaning of their lives, to commit themselves in society and to live honestly.
  6. We develop personalized attention and guidance plans. This allows us to get to know our students better and to promote their personal development and social skills. For students who have particular problems, we provide follow-up through the guidance service.
  7. In the area of discipline, our tradition is oriented towards creating an atmosphere of serenity, order and mutual respect in which students can study and learn and in which we can prevent problems before they occur. Our school rules reflect our commitment to foster a climate conducive to learning and education.
  8. We educate in solidarity, especially by welcoming into the school young people from different social and religious backgrounds, as well as disadvantaged and marginalized students. We promote dialogue and tolerance in order to help students to live in a positive way this diversity, which is more and more frequent among us. We create a climate of acceptance, mutual respect and support.
We try to identify as early as possible those students who are having difficulties in order to implement, with the help of their families, appropriate intervention strategies. For them and for those with special educational needs, we organize programs appropriate to their circumstances.

We promote the development of the rights and duties of all members of the educational community as enacted by both state and regional legislation.

This model of integral education is described in the document that expresses the character of the Center and explicitly in its Educational Project.


In response to the principle of attention to diversity, Colegio Leonés has educational support programs in Primary and Secondary.

Tutorial Action Plan

Learning Skills Program.

Plan for the promotion and use of New Technologies.

Plan for the promotion of reading.

Coexistence Plan.

Bilingual section - English, in Primary and Secondary Education.

Cambridge exam preparation center.

Examination center for Oxford exams.