Avda. José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


C/ La Corredera,5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plza. de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13



Avenida José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


Calle La Corredera, 5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plaza de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13


Cultural Activities


The inclusion of robotics in our classrooms has been a great success in recent years, being one of the most popular activities among students and families. It is an activity focused on the creative, constructive and application process of robots.

Plastic and Drawing

Strongly linked to art since our foundation in 1895, the Colegio Leonés has always supported and encouraged artistic creativity from the academic basis.

Theatre Workshop

In the workshop we work on exercises, always with a dynamic and playful methodology -both oral and corporal expression- in which the students learn to vocalize and project the voice, as well as to look for the characterization of a character through it. With corporal expression we seek to transmit emotions and actions through the body.


Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting ways to complement the musical education of children is through singing and choral activity. Our choir teacher Jorge Suárez Bardón has been conducting our choir group successfully for more than a decade.

Confucius Institute Chinese classroom

For several years, Colegio Leonés has been a collaborating center of the Confucius Institute of León, making it possible for all our students to study the official Chinese language and obtain an official qualification.

More Than Music

In the academic year 2021/2022 we have launched the musical extracurricular organized by the academy from Leon “+ Que Música”.

School Radio Station

Our school radio station was born in the academic year 2016/2017, and since its creation has broadcast more than 30 podcast episodes created entirely by our students. “La Emisora del Colegio Leonés” seeks above all things to become the meeting point for the entire educational community of Colegio Leonés: teachers and students, management team and families: all of them are gradually appearing on our station.

School Newspaper

“El Periódico del Colegio Leonés” has a tradition of more than fifteen years of existence. Originally conceived as a quarterly paper publication – more than 15 issues were published in this format – since 2013 it has been published online through our website.

Learning to think in early childhood education

“I learn to think” is our extracurricular activity aimed at the youngest children of the school. In it, we begin to make decisions without fear of making mistakes and we are preparing for Primary Education, with its activities and methodology of work.

UCMAS (Japanese Abacus)

It is a modern representation of the ancient art of mental arithmetic  that is taught in our facilities. This extracurricular subject seeks to promote mathematical learning at an early age. It is an international method of calculation with Japanese abacus.

Alzheimer León Volunteering

Our Primary School students collaborate every year with the Alzheimer Center of León in different activities and programs. We also have an intergenerational theater group, created with the aim of promoting theater as a method of intergenerational learning that promotes the expression of feelings and the exchange of experiences between generations.

Extracurricular study techniques in Primary Education and ESO

In addition to learning memorisation techniques, organisation and daily work, in this extracurricular activity we also aim to help our students learn to be more decisive and encourage their autonomy through play.