Avda. José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


C/ La Corredera,5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plza. de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13



Avenida José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


Calle La Corredera, 5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plaza de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13



This is an educational stage from 6 to 12 years old.

Our educational offer is as follows:

  • We follow the official program set by the educational authorities.
  • We prepare our students to acquire the intellectual tools appropriate to their age, giving special importance to reading and arithmetic.
  • We develop an appropriate program of complementary activities, through which we promote an education in values.
  • Sports stand out in this stage as an educational and extracurricular activity, which is completed with a wide program of artistic and musical extracurricular activities.
  • At this stage we have a morning and afternoon schedule, and we have a school canteen and early bird service. Students wear school and sports uniforms.
The application of the LOMCE, regulated in ORDER EDU/519/2014, of June 17, by which the curriculum is established and the implementation, evaluation and development of primary education in the Community of Castilla y León is regulated, establishes for this stage.

Finalidad de la etapa de educación primaria.

In accordance with article 16. 2 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3rd, on Education, the purpose of primary education is to provide students with the learning of oral expression and comprehension, reading, writing, arithmetic, the acquisition of basic notions of culture, and the habit of coexistence as well as the habit of study and work, artistic sense, creativity and affectivity, in order to guarantee a comprehensive education that contributes to the full development of the personality of students and to prepare them to successfully complete compulsory secondary education.

General Principles of Primary Education

Is a compulsory and free educational stage. It comprises six academic years and is organized in areas that will have a global and integrating character.
They will ordinarily be attended between six and twelve years of age and, as a general rule, students will join the first school year in the calendar year in which they turn six years old.
At this stage it will be based on collaborative work and joint decision-making by teachers, seeking the integration of the different experiences and learning of students and adapting to their work rhythms.
In accordance with article 120 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, the centers will have pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy for the adequate development of the objectives of the stage.

Will guide the educational response of students at this stage.

Primary Education Objectives.

In accordance with the provisions of article 17 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, in the Community of Castilla y Leon, the primary education stage will contribute to develop in the students the capacities that will allow them to:
  1. Know and appreciate the values and rules of coexistence, learn to act in accordance with them, prepare for the active and critical exercise of citizenship and respect human rights, as well as the pluralism of a democratic society.
  2. To develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. To acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, which will allow them to develop with autonomy in the family and domestic environment, as well as in the social groups with which they relate.
  4. To know, understand and respect different cultures and the differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination of people with disabilities.
  5. Know and use the Spanish language appropriately and develop reading habits.
  6. Acquire in at least one foreign language the basic communicative competence that will allow them to express and understand simple messages and cope in everyday situations.
  7. To develop basic mathematical skills and begin to solve problems that require the performance of elementary calculation operations, geometric knowledge and estimation, as well as to be able to apply them to everyday life situations.
  8. To know the fundamental aspects of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.
  9. To be initiated in the use, for learning, of the Information and Communication Technologies, developing a critical spirit before the messages they receive and elaborate.
  10. To use different representations and artistic expressions and to initiate in the construction of visual and audiovisual proposals.
  11. Value hygiene and health, accept one’s own body and that of others, respect differences and use physical education and sport as a means to promote personal and social development.
  12. Know and value the animals closest to human beings and adopt modes of behavior that favor their care.
  13. To develop their affective capacities in all areas of their personality and in their relationships with others, as well as an attitude against violence, prejudices of any kind and sexist stereotypes.
  14. To promote road safety education and respectful attitudes that have an impact on the prevention of traffic accidents.


In addition, primary education will contribute to develop in students the ability to know and value the natural, artistic and cultural heritage of Castilla y León, with an attitude of interest and respect that contributes to its conservation and improvement.