

Avda. José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


C/ La Corredera,5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plza. de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13



Avenida José Aguado, 28 24005 León

987 20 26 12


Calle La Corredera, 5 24004 León

987 20 20 13


Plaza de San Isidoro, 6 24003 León

987 23 68 13



2022-2023 has been a year still with its feet on the pandemic for our baccalaureate, in which the hard and constant work of our students has led to another year of brilliant results, full of academic success. 95.5% of the total number of students enrolled in the 2nd year of Bachillerato took the regular Selectividad (EBAU). Of the 85 students 
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From 26th June to 28th July – in collaboration with Abacus Innova León – we will launch a Summer Camp that will delight our students from 4 to 12 years old. Lego-Robotix activities, science and technology experiments, crafts and creativity… 5 different weeks full of intelligent leisure and fun. The camp will be held at our facilities in Corredera Street. 
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This week we have celebrated our traditional This week we have celebrated our traditional.. In this emotional ceremony, our more than 100 students of the 2nd year of Baccalaureate celebrate their graduation party surrounded by family, friends and teachers of the school. Before flying off to begin their higher studies, the management of the Colegio Leonés wanted to pay tribute 
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Speechless before the beautiful and emotional morning we have lived… Our “solidarity race against ALS” has been a success of participation and solidarity … We cannot feel more proud of our entire educational community! Thank you very much to all the sponsors and collaborators who have made this event possible in an altruistic way and, above all, thanks to our 
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Very excited about the prize awarded by the Junta de Castilla y León, El Norte de Castilla and Renault Spain to our journalism teams of 3rd ESO, double winners in the XIV Edition of the contest “El Norte Escolar”. Two of our teams – “Las periodistas” and “El Confidencial del Leonés”– were proclaimed winners in the grand final in front 
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This week we had the presence in our classrooms of Pablo Alvarez, aeronautical engineer and astronaut candidate recently selected by the ESA (European Space Agency). Together with our teacher Sara Vázquez and our students of 4th Grade and High School – who are developing cooperative projects about the solar system – Pablo has given an unforgettable masterclass that we are 
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Our 4th ESO students – science branch- have participated this week in an activity organized by the association of biotechnologists of León.  Together with their teacher Pedro, our students were able to perform a DNA extraction and a blood group analysis, an unforgettable experience!
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Our sixth grade students of the Colegio Leonés de José Aguado y Corredera have contacted this week live with the Army base “Gabriel de Castilla” located on Deception Island (Antarctica)..  From there, military, scientists and journalists have explained the mission they are carrying out and how is their day to day, answering all the questions that our students asked them. 
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This week we have presented the XLIII edition of our Minibasket Tournament, which will start next Saturday, January 14. The presentation was given by Mr. Manuel Belinchón -General Director of the Colegio Leonés- and Mr. José Estrada, sports advisor of the school. The event was attended on behalf of the Basketball Federation of Castilla y León Mr. José Manuel Vázquez 
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Yesterday we lived one of the most exciting days of the year, with the celebration of the Graduation of our high school students. After more than two years without any celebration due to Covid restrictions, yesterday we were finally able to recover this tradition that makes our high school students so happy. Our schoolyard of José Aguado was dressed in 
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